Sunday, December 16, 2012

Go W/ The Flow

This afternoon I experienced my second live music and yoga combo class. GO W/ THE FLOW, comprised of traveling Dayton duo Tori & Ben, came to Indianapolis to lead an event at The Yoga Center. Their aim: to create a unique music and yoga experience that helps you get out of your head and into your breath (much needed for many of us these days). There were 20-something yogis in the room with me, all encouraged by Tori to breathe hard and loud to the beats of Ben's guitar and beatboxing. I can specifically remember being in Parivrtta Utkatasana (twisting chair pose) and hearing Tori's voice encouraging us to breathe harder and louder in order to get deeper into the twist.

It's really amazing to be able to find a connection to your body and your flow through music, to let the outside world escape your thoughts more and more with each movement. Indy may not necessarily be on the map for yoga, but we have some really inspiring visitors and if you have the chance to take a class with one of them, I've learned that you just need to make the time for it. And just do it. No excuses. The opportunity may not come up again. I'll keep you posted about the next "big thing."

Me, Tori, Ben and Lindsey after a sweaty class.

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